Saturday 5 April 2008

wonderboy and young nasty man

river now has a new bestest mate, they were arch rivals over the love of the sweet christine, but wonderboy turned up yesterday with his scateboard and now they are the bestest of mateses. oh yes they are!! wonderboy got me to speak with his stepfather and then tells me his stepfathers full name, hhhmm thinks me, i went to school with someone called that, how old is he? oh the same age as me, what school? the same school as me!! so wonderboy comes out to heavy horse centre with us and great fun was had by all.
upon our return home, i got to cooking a gorg chicken and butternut squash curry and dhal, and the remains was put into a tub for sweet stephen and i took wonderboy and young nasty man over to get wonderboys stuff and ended up talking to his mum and stepdad for 2 hours!!! was nice, was fun and didnt get to take steve over his food!! eeeekkk will have to call him and apologise, hope he isnt too pissed off with me ;o)
today, neither of them got much sleep, so were fairly quiet after an eager morning of scateboarding in the garden and street. when paul got back, they had a quick lunch and we were off to auntie frances in weymouth, that bored the knickers of us all.
they are now off to wonderboys for the night and long walk tomorrow!

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