she did ALL the machine sewing, some of the cutting, pinning and tacking too :o) and i made the apron. there are no buttons and these are machine made and they didnt have the means in the 16th century, so is laced at the front and over the shoulders. i also helped her shrink it so that the size 10 pattern fit her aged 9 frame and we can let it out again should she need it as she grows!
see i thought of everything! lol
That's astonishingly clever!
Especially the fact that she appears to have it on sideways >.>
Seriously though, couldn't have done that when I was a nipper!
it was hard going, keeping her motivated and i did end up doing LOADS of pinning and tacking, which was boring her to tears.
as for sideways, its how we wear clothes down this way, you probly dont remember!! lmao
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