Friday 25 April 2008


came today, with a cheque for £5000. it was my inheritance from my grandfathers £1.5 million estate. £45k in legacies and the rest for my father.
the slap was in the form of the £500 my children have been left. because my grandfather didnt update his will to include my other children, just 2 of them, with £250 each, my dad is only authorising £500 pay out for all my 5 offspring. he did say to me they would get what was coming. their existance must really offend him.
i just want to die, that has hurt me more than i thought possible.
paul just told me he was tempted to phone my father this morning. but he wont. he doesnt. i'm only his wife and anyone can do everything possible to insult me, he wouldnt care. he doesnt care. after today, it couldnt be more obvious. he as much as said it, he wouldnt come out and say it, too much confrontation for someone as weak as him. i always thought it was a strength, his laid back attitude. but now i see it is just avoidance.
thanks, what more could one want from a husband??

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