flame texted me this morning before school asking if i was around for coffee, i was and this gave me the perfect excuse NOT to juice and sit around drinking coffee and nattering with my mate, and that we did! beau and hellboy were fighting a bit which was funny, i just left them to it, i've been a mother far too long to worry about a couple of 2 year olds fighting! lol
after she left (and a bit whilst she was here too) i cleaned and tidied and beautified my house a little in expectation of toni and her new blokey, john, who were popping in for a bite to eat and a chat. i went out to asda to pick up a few bits and saw someone i went to school with! quick chat with her and shot up to pauls unit as i had an unrepressable urge to kiss him, he was busy ..... by the time he was free again it had pretty much worn off!!
toni and john turned up just minutes after i returned, possitivly perfect timing!! they entertained beau as i cooked and flapped in the kitchen and then when the school rang to say that river had hurt himself (AGAIN!) and possibly broken his elbow (wtf was he doing???) but once river was home and had some pasta salad and garlic bread, he was right as rain, keeping his arm in a sling for the attention it got him.
john is very nice, he complimented my house, cooking, children and the lovely planter that i had buddha sitting in. it is also surrounded by 2 foot of nearly ready compost and the children had put a fake arm and a thumb in, he asked who they belonged to, to which i replied "toni's last boyfriend!" i'm glad he saw the funny side of it, coz i was pmsl!
when they were ready to go, river turned to me and said "i like him, can we not put him in the compost???" and mucho laughing followed that too :o) i think he liked us and us him :o)
after school, bonnie came over for dinner, i had some messages to run in town, so went off to poole with 6 children in tow, i musta been mad! HA! i AM mad!! i did some banking, changed some details and got a swimming cozzy for beaubaleeze! a fifi and the flowertots one and she lurves it. when i dropped bonnie off, had a chat with her mother about our mutual friend, and then went over to see steve to drop off his beer and see what info i could pump (not much).
sat with steve watching him play grand theft auto *yawn* and then there was a knock and steve's lil bro JP said there was someone there to see me, was ben that i havent seen, and only chatted to on facebook and texts this last 6 months or so, for 15 years +. he was 12 the last time i saw him and he certainly isnt now! now he is 6 foot odd, riding the sexiest of bikes, bit like this one

he only stopped coz he saw my lil type r honda parked up outside their house. was buzzing to see him and i hope to see him again soon, wont be so weird now that we have actually managed to bump into each other!! lol
after he left and jp had finished eating, we went in to his room and played guitar hero, i fought it as i make such a cock out of myself, but in the end, i played the killers and the stones and guess what??????? i ROCK!! i have to get one of these for the wii!! i so so so sooooooo do!! lol
right bed now, coz i need to sleep and rest for maybe more guitar hero tomorrow ;o)
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