Monday, 3 March 2008

why is it?

that you get the worst earache of your life at 2am?
went to bed at half 12, took 2 paracetamol as it was hurting then, by half 1 i was in agony, so took 2 codeine and got another hot water bottle, after 15 mins i was in complete agony! never known anything like it, throbbing, bursting pain down my neck and into my head. paul woke up with my crying and rocking. he phone the outofhours gp, just as well have phoned to speaking fucking clock! take decongestant. havent got any, take ibuprofen. cant they make my stomach bleed. dont lay down. how will i sleep then? dont, you are in pain. no shit. get an icepack, will be better than heat. could you do anything? er no, go see your gp tomorrow IF it still hurts! well my bloody gp is far too busy for the likes of me and my pain, so seeing practice nurse in an hour. this morning however, my ear has been leaking bloody and i still have this weird buzzing noise. feel asleep sitting on the chair in the kitchen for 5 mins earlier, that was odd. feel all spaced out from the codeine i took during the night and out of paracetamol.
why does it always have to be in the middle of the night tho? i dont get it. why cant it come on around lunchtime on a tuesday?
this is the 3rd week running i have been to gp's! more than i have gone in the last 3 years! they are gonna be fecking sick of me! that or think i'm munchausens! lmao

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