Tuesday, 25 March 2008

there and back again

no, this isnt a hobbits tale!!
went to the hospital for 9am, took me my books, my ipod, a note book. paul and the kids left as i went to be booked in.
i was offered sedation, but in the end went without as i really just wanted to get out of there and sedation would have meant another hour/hour and half at least before i could go. i had the throat spray which was (as all fake banana flavoured things are) absolutly vile! evily vile! the surgen explained what was what and what she was going to do. then a HUGE (approx 5 foot long!) tube was connected to the machine beside me and a nurse talked me through being relaxed and put a thing in to keep my mouth open. this was good as i kept biting on it. the throat spray stuff didnt really do a lot, and i did gag and retch lots, but it was all over within about 4 mins with the lovely nurse telling me how well i was doing, to relax, breathe, calm, the whole time. i could feel it in my mouth, throat, oesophagus, stomach. not plesant, but better than a stomach pump!
on the way out, she spotted the problem, hiatus hernia. and it was over, bit more retching and kind of puking, but not, a loud beltch and i was done. she asked had i had any children, yea 5, ah that would be a large part of it. basically my stomach starts in my chest, its about 3 inches above where it should be. she gave me a hand out that says, dont drink red wine (i dont) dont eat large meals, cut down smoking (i've quit) and caffine (damn but i nneeeeeddd!! it!) and cheese! CHEEESE! no CHEESE!! how will i live without cheese??? i love cheese!! oh and loosing more weight.
was taken back to the ward (only a few doors along from the scopyroom) and whilst all those sedated were sleeping it off, i was up and dressed and ready to go, got letter for my gp (which i forgot to drop off, oh dear what a shame) and sent on my way. paul and kids were there already after going to the park for less than an hour!
still feels like i have something large down my throat, but have eaten and drunk and trying to rehydrate! i woke at 1.30am and had a large glass of water and thought, bollox to it, i need to drink and was told when i got to the unit that i only needed to fast for 6 hours! so that was ok, i'm just very thirsty now.
paul has gone back to work, kids are playing in the garden, the sun is shining and i can take antacids again and drink and eat and everything, i dont have cancer or an ulcer, just a silly herniated stomach. all is ok :o)
amor mundi

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