Saturday 29 March 2008

the tale of the new bag

i have a new bag and i love it!!
the paths of the bag and i began to wend our ways towards each other last week when i got an email from my dear friend Bea suggesting that we meet up soon, so today was the date we set and today we did meet :o)
i havent seen Bea for about 18 months and i have missed her so! we drank coffee, talked lots, laughed at the idiocy of the world and people in it. we talked about her horses, her soon to be horse and going riding!! yay!! going riding! i havent been riding in soooo long! very exciting stuff that i have time for now i have the kids in school ;o) which we also talked about at length and once more, on the same page.
i had a spinning hook for her that was got for crimbly before last gift!! finally it made it to her and she liked (i hope?? you did didnt you bea??) and she gave me the most gorg felted bag!! oh lordy!! this bag is gorg! its moss coloured, greens and browns and beige, looks wonderful with my green boots, i've may have mentioned how much i love it, but i really do! i must photograph it!! lol we had a wander around hobbycraft for a bit, i picked up some little cross stitch kits for the girls and some free leaflets and she got some wee flowers for knitting and it was back to haskins for more coffee.
it is now a blustery cold wet evening and paul has the circus tickets booked for 7.30! eeekkk i've drunk so much coffee today, i hope my bladder can take it! lol
whilst i was out, the girls baked, sparks and paul moved sparks room around and beau slept, only to wake as i walked in the door and scream at length on my lap, i guess tis what i get for taking 4 hours out without my bag is to be packed up with supplies for the circus now.
amor mundi

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