Thursday, 6 March 2008


following on from yesterday, i had planned to put up willows pappys fav poem, but poetry file is hiding from me and i cant be arsed to search the house for it!!
beau has to go for some tests to make sure her throat has returned to norman and to see if norman is not what her throat should be, there was lots of swelling and it was an odd shape when they xrayed after the choking incident. she is looking forward to going, i know she is going to kick off and not drink the stuff or stay still for the xray and it is going to be oh so much fun!
i have my parcels packed up and ready to go, just gotta send em off, so that is on the cards too, as well as opening bank account for the window cleaning round.
its all go here!
spent the day with stephen the human sex god yesterday. he phoned me saying he had turned his phone on early yesterday incase i called, i have given up calling in the morning as either his phone is off or he doesnt answer or he does answer and was sleeping so tells me politely to feck off.
anyways, we went out for lunch to sainsbos, drank coffee and ate expensive sandwiches and he chatted away to beau who was playing shy. t'was really good fun, then popped down to see rob, his 6foot 5 friend who was a total star for me when i lost the plot in june. beau thinks he is god and was hoping to raid his fridge, the cheeky mare! his ginger cat, jasper (who looks like my morpheus) was about and being all cute and cuddly (not like him at all!) then climbed on the roof and started doing his "i'm a ginger cat and i'm just plan odd" bit, just to stay in character.
went and got kids from school and then a very strange thing happened, steve showed them how to make and fly the best paper planes, edz totally got it and made around 50 of the bloody things! then from planes they moved onto birds and then frogs and in the end, we had a whole frog chorus and enough birds to keep the pidgeons out the garden! lol he only drank 3 bottles of beer (after the 2 can of kestral) and didnt swear either!
if you dont know steve his is a raving alcoholic, that swears and smokes and cant stand being around the kids too long. yesterday, he was in his element and so were they! and also got me to order some books from ebay about origami so he can do more with them.
so he does have his uses, no matter what anyone says!
when i took him home, we were chatting about a certain person that we both know and someone that they like, turns out the liked person is my bessy mate niccis boyfriends sister, and also stephens brothers bessy mate. sycronisity again! so i popped over nic's on the way home and freaked her out demanding to know why she was out with steves brother when i was in manchester! rofl she thought i was having a go at her, bless her. as if i could, my lovely lil naughty nitty ;o) so to come full circle, that is all a kind of poetry in itself, the whole continuation with rhythm and rhyme, my life is at about 3 degrees of seperation at the moment!!
small world keeps getting smaller.

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