Friday, 1 February 2008

editted version

with little help from ms harper PR linn :)
thank you lovely!!

Nick Harper, Mr Kyps, January 31

It’s a cold January night outside, but inside Mr Kyps’s the evening’s opening act, Fearne, set things off to a good start. A local band I had never heard of (which means nothing, I don’t get out much!) but they had never heard of Nick (cue loud gasp from a member of the audience now writing a certain review), they were actually quite good, even if it was past their bed time (but they really did all look they were only just out of junior school! Sorry guys!).

But it was Mr Harper that the majority of the capacity-packed crowd were here to see. Nick was, as always, entertaining, enlightened, political and passionate about what he does. This gig kicked off the new tour coming down to ground level after his recent record-breaking gig at 18,500 feet up Mt Everest, which he performed at for the Love Hope Strength Foundation. He may have mentioned it once or twice….

Starting off the set with No Truth Up In The Mountains, but after his recent trip to the great mountains in Nepal, I think he found a truth or two of his own. If nothing else, he now knows the smell of yak's sh*t and was reminded of it at Mr Kyps, but I think it was something to do with my best mate Steve who was sat in-front of him. We were treated to Harper classics such as Aeroplane and his worthy rendition of Guitar Man, alonsgside songs from his last two albums - By By Rocket Comes Fire, Treasure Island, and Field Of The Cloth Of Gold, A tear-jerking Imaginary Friend really stole the show, before being followed by the more upbeat and humorous Monty Python, Galaxy Song.

Nick once again mixes original material with good humour and a strong message, and has the unique ability to engender the same passion from his audience. He shared tales of his journey up the mountain and back, over looking Everest Base Camp, how much it meant to him to be part of such an expedition, tales of gastric explosions and happy children playing with grass balls, Sherpas with one shoe and his million dollar boots (ok maybe not that much). Reminders of how lucky we and our children are.

Of course, a Nick Harper gig wouldn’t be complete without a string break, and sure enough that came in the sublime Love Is Music/Headless sequed medley.

Finishing off the night with Blue Sky Thinking, not just his first single which was released last year, but also his first iTunes number 1.

Going to see Nick Harper is always more than just a live gig, it is an educational experience; a night of triggered memories and new ones. Everyone takes more away with them than just memories of some guy playing his guitar. Nick is always much much more. Here's hoping he enjoyed his return to Mr Kyps as much as we enjoyed him being here!


Anonymous said...

Lovely, Hatt, I feel like I was there too :)

WillowC said...

Does this fella have a myspace? Itching to have a listen now!