Friday, 25 January 2008

i hate school!

they are a breeding group for parasites, not human one (or not just) but bloody headlice!! with 3 girls in the house and me with long hair, we are caught in the cycle of infecting each other, i noticed chase had eggs last night, got out few eggs, few live ones, this morning, my shoulders itching like hell, went through my hair, loads of eggs and small ones, but can only go so far as i cant see what i'm doing, so go onto beau! omg! she has loads of eggs and wont stay still have to have them pulled out, she also slept with me (head on my face for a long time) last night as she had bad dream :o( 
i dont know what to do, i have tried everything and they are just not going!! aaarrgghhhh!!
i'm itching. i hate this!
going to go conditioner/comb/conditioner/comb my hair and beaus! i was planning on sorting a gp today and reading more of my work book and mopping floors.
am annoyed now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oooooooooh - snap! Was clear all christmas holidays, now if I haven't combed every couple of days the little gits are back tramping through again. She sat there fir 45 mins tonight whilst I picked out every single egg I could find.