Saturday, 26 January 2008


one of them days, i have tried hard. did bits and bobs this morning. then after a spot of lunch took kids to asda to get few things for a first birthday teaparty of a wee man that started me off talking to his mum. almost a year ago she was struggling with her newborn trying to get her 5 year old sorted out of her swimming cossie after the lesson she had with my girls, so i offered to hold her lil fella whilst she sorted out her daughter and ever since i have had a cuddle with him each time i've seen them at swimming and chatted to his mum. she is a total sweetheart, and has been a good friend over the past few months. so anyways, went over there, had fun, did my nervous chatting, harry potter came on and it would be my specialist subject were i ever to go on mastermind (i even beat my whole family at harry potter scene it every single time!) so i had plenty to chat about. another lady there only lives a few streets away and her little girls day lives in the next road to me! small ole world and all that.
then we come home, paul has done tea, kids are a bit hyper after all the choclit and cakes, so i takes meself off to the playroom to chill and read on the sofa. i kinda nod off and get disturbed when tea is nearly ready. ok thats fine.
have my dinner, eden gets sent to bed for generally being a rude and the whole *i'm better than the rest of you* attitude. then i suggest i go shopping tonight so that tomorrow i can be cleaning up and making lunch etc for when my visitors come. paul says something to distract me and it is enough for me to put 2 and 2 together and come up with a reasonable looking 4. he tells me i'm wrong, i go to sit on my own again, he comes to defend himself, i explain why i would think that, he tells me it is down to my hormones (moon due any second) and walks off.
i try to be proactive and clean out me fish.
not feeling any better and couldnt get the gravel cleaner to work properly, so the tank is looking murky :(
house is still a mess, shopping not done.
but my morphy is back and even asleep on the futon chair and maud and mr teatime asleep IN THE SAME ROOM!! cant remember the last time that happened, he usually gets really pissed off with them and buggers off as soon as he sees them!
going for a bath in lots of luffly lush. river is being shouted at for not being in bed. he has too many late nights, he pushes his luck when he knows that i am not going to tell him off because i am in too much of a volatile mood.
i'm cold.

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