for reports of a gig (yes i am going OUT!! without children! and WITH husband!! almost unheard of!!) that i am reviewing and hopefully photies too of the luffly nick harper!!
been to lush and looking gorg as i just had a make over. got some new colours on for me, blues and lilacs where as i am a greens and browns and black. and i even have pink lippy! yes PINK! it has been years since i wore any pink, so this is a new one on me!!
need to go finish dinner!
amor mundi
Thursday, 31 January 2008
Tuesday, 29 January 2008
i gotta share these!!!
flame and E were over today and after much chatting, nibbling, eating and more chatting, E and beaugee running around having fun, watching bit of wind in the willows (the terry jones version - its the latest thing!) we hear E (not quite 2) shouting for help from what sounded like outside. the back door was locked, the only way he could have escaped was

yes, through the cat flap! only he hadnt quite made the escape and got stuck!

of course being good parents we rushed for the camera before rescuing the poor child, who wasnt crying more frustrated at being stuck! honest!

yes, through the cat flap! only he hadnt quite made the escape and got stuck!

of course being good parents we rushed for the camera before rescuing the poor child, who wasnt crying more frustrated at being stuck! honest!
Sunday, 27 January 2008
much betterer!!!
well, today turned yesterday on its head!
started off most odd, paul jumping out of bed at 8.15am, shouting "just coming" and sending me down to the front door to get a parcel!
wtf? it's sunday!!! and there was no one there, but i was hit with a fresh blast of icy morning air, waking me up nicely and went up to give him a bollocking for making me go and get the door when there was no one there, he said he had heard banging. yes, yes he did hear banging, but it was the banging of beau trying to raise attention to get through the closed stair gate!
got up, had some breakfast, went to sainsbos to get shopping. planned each meal as i shopped, and got enough lunch box stuff for week too :o)
back to put shopping away and start lunch for chaos cat and her kittens and man, they turned up before i'd finished preparing, but t'was not a problem, we had enough to talk about betwix preparing and eating! her girls disappeared with my girls and mucho fun was had by all. all dinner scoffed (yay! gotta love my posh bubble and squeak!) and paul did the washing up (well loaded dishy anyways ;o) ).
after an afternoon of more chatting and laughing we said bye bye to cat, luke and kittens and promises to see each other soon!
river is still over at his girlfriends, going to be collected soon and my girls are making flapjacks with paul.
going to go and fluff my playroom so i can sit in there and read later with my fish, after i have cut out the pattern to my new project, beaus gingham summer dress. if i start it now, it maybe done by the summer! altho we keep up this weather and it is gonna be summer next month!
and my morpheus was back AGAIN this morning!!! putting food on the doorstep may be coincidence, but he does seem to come in to eat when there is food there too!
started off most odd, paul jumping out of bed at 8.15am, shouting "just coming" and sending me down to the front door to get a parcel!
wtf? it's sunday!!! and there was no one there, but i was hit with a fresh blast of icy morning air, waking me up nicely and went up to give him a bollocking for making me go and get the door when there was no one there, he said he had heard banging. yes, yes he did hear banging, but it was the banging of beau trying to raise attention to get through the closed stair gate!
got up, had some breakfast, went to sainsbos to get shopping. planned each meal as i shopped, and got enough lunch box stuff for week too :o)
back to put shopping away and start lunch for chaos cat and her kittens and man, they turned up before i'd finished preparing, but t'was not a problem, we had enough to talk about betwix preparing and eating! her girls disappeared with my girls and mucho fun was had by all. all dinner scoffed (yay! gotta love my posh bubble and squeak!) and paul did the washing up (well loaded dishy anyways ;o) ).
after an afternoon of more chatting and laughing we said bye bye to cat, luke and kittens and promises to see each other soon!
river is still over at his girlfriends, going to be collected soon and my girls are making flapjacks with paul.
going to go and fluff my playroom so i can sit in there and read later with my fish, after i have cut out the pattern to my new project, beaus gingham summer dress. if i start it now, it maybe done by the summer! altho we keep up this weather and it is gonna be summer next month!
and my morpheus was back AGAIN this morning!!! putting food on the doorstep may be coincidence, but he does seem to come in to eat when there is food there too!
Saturday, 26 January 2008
one of them days, i have tried hard. did bits and bobs this morning. then after a spot of lunch took kids to asda to get few things for a first birthday teaparty of a wee man that started me off talking to his mum. almost a year ago she was struggling with her newborn trying to get her 5 year old sorted out of her swimming cossie after the lesson she had with my girls, so i offered to hold her lil fella whilst she sorted out her daughter and ever since i have had a cuddle with him each time i've seen them at swimming and chatted to his mum. she is a total sweetheart, and has been a good friend over the past few months. so anyways, went over there, had fun, did my nervous chatting, harry potter came on and it would be my specialist subject were i ever to go on mastermind (i even beat my whole family at harry potter scene it every single time!) so i had plenty to chat about. another lady there only lives a few streets away and her little girls day lives in the next road to me! small ole world and all that.
then we come home, paul has done tea, kids are a bit hyper after all the choclit and cakes, so i takes meself off to the playroom to chill and read on the sofa. i kinda nod off and get disturbed when tea is nearly ready. ok thats fine.
have my dinner, eden gets sent to bed for generally being a rude and the whole *i'm better than the rest of you* attitude. then i suggest i go shopping tonight so that tomorrow i can be cleaning up and making lunch etc for when my visitors come. paul says something to distract me and it is enough for me to put 2 and 2 together and come up with a reasonable looking 4. he tells me i'm wrong, i go to sit on my own again, he comes to defend himself, i explain why i would think that, he tells me it is down to my hormones (moon due any second) and walks off.
i try to be proactive and clean out me fish.
not feeling any better and couldnt get the gravel cleaner to work properly, so the tank is looking murky :(
house is still a mess, shopping not done.
but my morphy is back and even asleep on the futon chair and maud and mr teatime asleep IN THE SAME ROOM!! cant remember the last time that happened, he usually gets really pissed off with them and buggers off as soon as he sees them!
going for a bath in lots of luffly lush. river is being shouted at for not being in bed. he has too many late nights, he pushes his luck when he knows that i am not going to tell him off because i am in too much of a volatile mood.
i'm cold.
then we come home, paul has done tea, kids are a bit hyper after all the choclit and cakes, so i takes meself off to the playroom to chill and read on the sofa. i kinda nod off and get disturbed when tea is nearly ready. ok thats fine.
have my dinner, eden gets sent to bed for generally being a rude and the whole *i'm better than the rest of you* attitude. then i suggest i go shopping tonight so that tomorrow i can be cleaning up and making lunch etc for when my visitors come. paul says something to distract me and it is enough for me to put 2 and 2 together and come up with a reasonable looking 4. he tells me i'm wrong, i go to sit on my own again, he comes to defend himself, i explain why i would think that, he tells me it is down to my hormones (moon due any second) and walks off.
i try to be proactive and clean out me fish.
not feeling any better and couldnt get the gravel cleaner to work properly, so the tank is looking murky :(
house is still a mess, shopping not done.
but my morphy is back and even asleep on the futon chair and maud and mr teatime asleep IN THE SAME ROOM!! cant remember the last time that happened, he usually gets really pissed off with them and buggers off as soon as he sees them!
going for a bath in lots of luffly lush. river is being shouted at for not being in bed. he has too many late nights, he pushes his luck when he knows that i am not going to tell him off because i am in too much of a volatile mood.
i'm cold.
Friday, 25 January 2008
i hate school!
they are a breeding group for parasites, not human one (or not just) but bloody headlice!! with 3 girls in the house and me with long hair, we are caught in the cycle of infecting each other, i noticed chase had eggs last night, got out few eggs, few live ones, this morning, my shoulders itching like hell, went through my hair, loads of eggs and small ones, but can only go so far as i cant see what i'm doing, so go onto beau! omg! she has loads of eggs and wont stay still have to have them pulled out, she also slept with me (head on my face for a long time) last night as she had bad dream :o(
i dont know what to do, i have tried everything and they are just not going!! aaarrgghhhh!!
i'm itching. i hate this!
going to go conditioner/comb/conditioner/comb my hair and beaus! i was planning on sorting a gp today and reading more of my work book and mopping floors.
am annoyed now.
Thursday, 24 January 2008
urgh back ache!
somehow i have done my back in again, could have been walking around town with beau in my arms or, yea probly that, i was in 3 inch high boots. that will teach me, probly, hopefully! lol
before that paul and i met with tylers head of year and tylers mother to discuss his behaviour and try to figure an action plan to break this pattern of aggression and anger. for once this is my choice, i believe i need to do this for his sake and if we dont we cannot say we tried everything to help him. his mother and i havent spoken in years, but for him, i will let the past stay just that and work towards a better future.
back hurts, going to take a couple of painkillers, get in the bath and my lovely paulee is gonna give me a massage!!
Wednesday, 23 January 2008
mummy can you
turn the dark off?
i hear as i am unloading and reloading the wishywashy (washing machine for those of you in the real world).
wtf? thinks i.
then i stand up and see lil beau on her tippytoes trying to reach the light pull for the toilet light so she can wash her hands.
she didnt understand what my roaring laughter was about ......
what was i saying about needing a life?????
already this morning
i have overslept, getting up at half 7. paul got up at 6, waking me with a kiss and promises to get me up in an hour when he got back from dropping a customers car off and picking up his van. he didn't and i was woken to eden (no 1 daughter) bursting in saying "what can i have for breakfast with no wheat or dairy?" ermmmm how the hell should i know, i'm asleep!! the bit with my eyes closed and snuggly under my duvet in the dark is a dead give away! anyways, she had porridge
made with water and she liked it. takes all sorts i spose!!
then i am informed (as i walk into kitchen with my dressing gown on and rubbing my eyes) that it is victorian day for chase (no 2 daughter) and she needs an outfit. ok, baby, it is quarter to 8! you have to leave in 45 mins. so get out sewing machine, send eden to hunt out a long skirt that is not a bright colour and not on ending 15 cms from her backside! the victorians were not known for the shortness of the miniskirt! really, they weren't!
couldn't find a white piece of material, so a mint green sheet (that was my grandmothers i believe) was butchers and made chase a little over dress in about 20 mins flat (no hemming of edges here!) and a mob cap was found in the dressing up. camera battery is flat or i would have taken pix! ah had an idea, get paul to take pix on his phone, but he had left the school. damn. hope it is in one piece when she returns. t'was a tad tight, but give me only 45 mins to work with and it ain't gonna be perfect.
need to go buy no 1 son a new bed today!! means going out in the wam, i mean van. so i can bring it home. long story, but he has smallest room and i want to get him a 2ft 6 bed instead of the knackered old 3 foot one he has now. then find some more wheat and dairy free stuff for eden, her ears are full of fluid again, i can do the drug route or the natural rout of adjusting her diet a bit. the later works, so thats what we do :o)
don't say i don't know how to live!
now i need to get dressed and STOP procrastinating!
no 3 daughter has just put on big cock little cock, so at least i can dress and sort kitchen in relative peace (she says just jinxing herself!).
morpheus my wonderful wandering puss cat returned for a bit last night, i put new collar on him, gotta get a tag to say "please don't feed this cat" and maybe he will come back. i can hope :o( because of him i think i feel a slight bit brighter or it could be because the moon is waning now and i don't feel that building dread i do around the full moon.
dunno, but today is going to be easier! i hope!
Tuesday, 22 January 2008
the verdict
they liked it! there was mucho talk of shotting rabbits, breading rabbits for eating and what we could do with the skins *insert icon for puking here*.
to begin
i completely blame my dear wee friend sarah for this (i get to call her wee despite her being *i know how old you are honey* years old) and facebook for not having good enough blogging facilities (that i could find).
so today, today.
todays dinner is rabbit stew, got given a skinned rabbit when i went to get the free range chooks from goldy's farm shop in lychett matravers. i cooked up the bones from the chickens we had roasted last night, over night with an onion and some garlic. fried a couple of onions, browned the rabbit, chucked it all in the chicken stock with some butternut squash and carrots and broccoli and got it cooking on the hob as i type!
kids are mega excited at having rabbit for tea!
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