after tearing around trying to get to the field and bea and the pones for 10, i was still late! we havent been to the field for about 18 months and lots had changed, for a start there is a caravan and a very nice one too!! placed in the perfect spot to catch all the breezes, be pleasent enough to sit in, not too blowy or too hot and all mod cons, kettle, sofas and vanilla redbush tea which was ooooo sooooo yummy!!

we started our visit with some grooming of madam moon and muttley. beau was very insistant that moon was HER horse, altho i am convinced tis the other way around, when beau and moon were first introduced beau was less than 2 months old, in her carry car seat that i place on the ground of the field and moon stuck her head in thinking it was a bucket (er no, thats my baby moon!) and the cutest thing was, not only did they get a good look at each other, just cm's apart, but moon, very gently and carefully, explored beaus fingers and toes with her lips, decided grass was much nicer and munch on :o) beau has never shown any fear of her since. we do go to the heavy horse centre in verwood and she has often shyed away at the horses when close up or they have gone to investigate beau, but never done it with madam moon.

after moon and muttley were prettied a bit, bea offered to let me have a bit of a ride around the field (been a LONG time since i went any distance on a pone!) and tacked her up for me. t'was lovely, gentle walking around the field dum de dum when moon decided it wasnt exciting enough and started to canter, ooo eck! from across the other side of the field bea is shouting orders to me and moon, moon to woah and me to sit straight, straighten my back, put my heals down or i'm gonna be on me arse. the fence (with bea and beau the otherside of it) is fast approaching and moon does a full stop, quickly but without stalling, when she comes head to head with her mammy! i was rolling in my saddle with laughter, and she didnt put me off ;o)

we returned pones to field and went for a spot of lunch in the caravan and a lovely chat and vanilla tea mmmmmmmm beau gave the remains (which wasnt much) to the chooks and was chuffed to pieces with the photos we took :o) so big thanks from me and the beaubeaus to bea for putting up with us!! we had a lovely time! thank you!!! xxxx
after saying our goodbyes and promises to come and disturb the peace at the field during half term with my minions, i raced back over to get the guys from school, then back to pop some washing out on the line to catch the last of the afternoon sun in the garden and pop some jacket tatters in the oven for dinner after swimming which was our next stop!! my friend, brina, that i met at swimming and it was because of her lickle baby son, harvey, who is now a terror on 2 feet, was pleased to see us as we were pleased to see her too! harvey actually walked to me, arms out for a cuddle!!! awww
tomorrow is beaubaleeze first full morning on her own at playgroup and i hope she is happy, coz i have a shed load of things to be doing whilst she is there!! lol
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